Have you ever considered seeing a psychotherapist? Do you wonder what the benefits are to see one? 


Perhaps you’re struggling with your spouse, raising your children, or feeling unhappy at work? 


If those sentences resonate with you, then let me explain very simply the benefits of psychotherapy. 


Let’s begin by introducing its concept. 


In simple words, psychotherapy utilizes psychological methods to promote personal growth, well-being, mental health, and even professional advancement. 


Unfortunately, there is a common misconception that psychotherapy is only for “LOCOS,” meaning CRAZY PEOPLE. First, the term “loco = crazy” is disrespectful, and nobody should use it to denote one’s condition.  


Historically, humankind has sought others’ advice in their need to find orientation or even guidance with daily situations such as family, finances, or labor discord.


Most of the time, depending on one’s belief system, advice has come from those we have trusted, like our best friends, parents, spiritual guides (priests, pastors, healers, shamans, etc.), and psychotherapists. 


However, at times we have been disappointed after following friends’ advice whom, despite having our best interest in mind, their opinion was bias regarding a problem.


For instance, if my best friend advised me to end my relationship with my partner due to her dishonesty, the advice, although well-intentioned, could be bias. 


My friend’s experiences in romantic relationships DO NOT reflect what could potentially take precedent in my life. 


After all, if I follow my friend’s advice, I decide to move in a particular direction which leads me to regret it later—the disillusion sinks in realizing that the results did not meet my expectations.  


I even turned against my friend, seeking to blame him even though I acted. Does it seem familiar? 


One thing that YOU must remember is those good intentions are not enough to help others. 


That’s why the primary characteristic of psychotherapy is to provide guidance that is free from biases but with knowledge, experience, and the utilization of psychological evidenced approaches that allows you to achieve optimum potential. 


Furthermore, psychotherapy would allow you to explore and resolve emotional conflict, promoting the quest for practical solutions. 


Albeit psychotherapy indeed treats mental conditions such as depression, anxiety, trauma, etc., it does not limit itself. 


On the contrary, it goes beyond its eagerness to provide support or simply motivate to achieve one’s personal, family, and even professional goals.

The benefits of psychotherapy could be multiple, but I’ll number the most important:


  1. The therapeutic alliance between the therapist and the client enables a safe and nurturing environment free from judgments.
  2. Setting goals and objectives based on clients’ needs provide a clear map to follow.
  3. The importance of taking responsibility even from the professional when something goes undesired.
  4. The continued use of therapeutic evidenced approaches designed to treat conditions or problems gives a broader success range.
  5. Unconditional acceptance promotes more chances for success.
  6. The utilization of empathy by the psychotherapist promotes vulnerability on the client’s side, leading to a deeper analysis of the emotions in conflict.


I’m hoping that this blog helps you to create awareness about psychotherapy and its benefits. If you’d like to book an appointment with us, don’t hesitate to contact us at (844) 912 9832.

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